Gail Brown
Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife
Gail believes that birth is a natural life occurrence and that women can birth their babies. She sees her role as a caregiver to the woman, to guard and educate, focusing on providing sound advice and good nutrition as the road to a safe birth and a healthy baby. Midwife means "with woman," and Gail loves being with you.
• Apprenticeship: Arkansas – 1984
• Completed the Association of Texas Midwife Certification program - 1984 Co-founded the Oklahoma Midwives Alliance (OMA) - 1985 Certified as a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) - 1996
• Completed the Naturopath Certification with Trinity School of Natural Health - 1998
• Infant Craniosacral Training with Carol Gray - 2011
• Upledger Craniosacral Trainings CST1, CST2, SER1 & SER2 - 2011 to 2014